Flemish Winner 2024

Please find below the entry form for the club match "De Vlaamse Winner" on Saturday 12.10.2024 in Rijkevorsel.


Males & Females: D. Gabriel (D)

Closing date: Monday 07.10.2024

Address: Senator Coolsdreef 3A, 2310 Rijkevorsel

Show office open from: 8:30 a.m.
Start stand judging: 9 a.m.

Registration fees:

NWK 3-6M. - 5.00 euros + 5.00 deposit
NWK 6-9M. - 5.00 euros + 5.00 deposit
NWK 9-12M. - 10.00 euros + 5.00 deposit
Youth 9-18M. - 15.00 euros + 5.00 deposit
Open +15M. - 15.00 euros + 5.00 deposit
Young dogs 18-24M. - 15.00 euros + 5.00 deposit
Working +24M. - 15.00 euros + 5.00 deposit

For the use of the back number we charge 5.00 euro deposit. This will be refunded by us on site after the event.

Sign up

De inschrijving is afgesloten sinds: 07/10/2024


Senator Coolsdreef 3A, 2310 Rijkevorsel



Until when can you register
